השוק הוא מרכז כובד. גרביטציה. מקום בסיסי. אוכל. שקיות כבדות. עגלות. רגליים נגררות. רצפה מתבקעת. חיים שלמים שמתגלים בהליכה.
העבודה עוסקת באנשים ברחוב הירושלמי, בשוק, דמויות והליכות. הוידאו מפסל את הגוף, מאיר, חושף ומסתיר כך שנוצר דואט בין הרקדנית הוידאו וחלל השוק.
כוריאוגרפיה: מעין ליבמן-שרון
וידאו, עיצוב חלל ובמה: יערה ניראל
רקדנית יוצרת: אור אשכנזי
מוזיקה: Hauschka / Salon des Amateurs.
עריכה מוזיקלית: לירון משולם
משך היצירה: 15 דק'
היצירה עלתה לראשונה בפסטיבל 'מיפו עד אגריפס 2016'.
'ה-שוקה' (2016)
עבודת מחול ווידאו בשיתוף היוצרת יערה ניראל
השוק הוא מרכז כובד. גרביטציה. מקום בסיסי. אוכל. שקיות כבדות. עגלות. רגליים נגררות. רצפה מתבקעת. חיים שלמים שמתגלים בהליכה.
העבודה עוסקת באנשים ברחוב הירושלמי, בשוק, דמויות והליכות. הוידאו מפסל את הגוף, מאיר, חושף ומסתיר כך שנוצר דואט בין הרקדנית הוידאו וחלל השוק.
כוריאוגרפיה: מעין ליבמן-שרון
וידאו, עיצוב חלל ובמה: יערה ניראל
רקדנית יוצרת: אור אשכנזי
מוזיקה: Hauschka / Salon des Amateurs.
עריכה מוזיקלית: לירון משולם
משך היצירה: 15 דק'
היצירה עלתה לראשונה בפסטיבל 'מיפו עד אגריפס 2016'.
'ה-שוקה' (2016)
עבודת מחול ווידאו בשיתוף היוצרת יערה ניראל
Maayan Liebman-Sharon is a Jerusalem-based choreographer, Artistic director, and artistic advisor. She holds a B. Dance degree and an M. Mus degree specializing in choreography from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and a B.A. in Occupational Therapy. She is a member of the Israeli Choreographers’ Association. Maayan’s work has been seen in festivals and residencies around Israel and Europe. In Israel, such as the Israel Festival, Machol Shalem’s Jerusalem International Dance Week, Tmuna Theater, the Suzanne Dellal Centre, From Jaffa to Agripas Festival, Hazira - Dance Arena, and the Dan David Award Ceremony. In Europe, such as Zagreb Dance Center in Croatia, Se.s.ta Center in the Czech Republic, JSKD in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Athens - Greece, and more. Her work has been presented in museums and galleries such as the Israel Museum, Haifa Art Museum, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Museum of Muslim Art, and Moscow Museum. Maayan was a founder and mentor of the American Center’s Ma’amakim Program, which provided artistic mentorship for dance artists 2017-2018 and was sponsored by the American Embassy in Jerusalem. The origins of her creations draw inspiration from collaborations with artists working with different media such as visual art and film. For the past several years, her primary collaboration has been with a video artist. In 2019 she was the artistic director, curator, and mentor for original creations that premiered in Machol Shalem Dance House’s Jerusalem International Dance Week. That same year, she curated the dance program’s pre-premieres in the Jerusalem Biennale, in collaboration with Machol Shalem Dance House and the Biennale. In 2020, Maayan created a new work at the Zagreb Dance Center as part of Machol Shalem Dance House and the Zagreb Dance Center’s Jerusalem Exchange Project. In 2021 she participated in Interstices- a cross-residency project of C.A.T.A.M.O.N. Dance Group and La Rotonde- Ville de Quebec- in which she created a choreography online with a Canadian dancer Marie Chantale Beland. Between August 2021 and February 2022, she was the artistic director and mentor of the dance and visual arts program connected choreography and visual arts in the Studio of Her Own Gallery in Jerusalem. In March 2022, she worked with directors Silvan Biegeleisen and Dan Erlichman on filming a scene in a film as part of the Moving Movie project supported by the Choreographers’ Association, the New Film and Television Fund and the South Film Fund. In May 2022, Maayan was invited to create a new work in residency at SE.S.TA- Centre for Choreographic Development in the Czech Republic. In November 2022 Maayan was invited to create a new trio piece at a residency in Slovenia, Ljubljana at the JSKD dance center, hosted by Cirkulacija 2. Maayan is supported by the Ministry of Culture since 2016 and on. She was supported by the National Lottery’s Art Council twice.

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Studio of Her Own, Jerusalem Gallery Koresh 14, Jerusalem Jerusalem International Solo Dance Festival JISDF, Beit Hansen, Jerusalem Solodanceankara Festival, Ankara, Turkey Studio Naim Haifa Studio Naim Haifa Tamuna Theater, Naked Stage, Tel Aviv Machol Shalem Dance House, Jerusalem Ein Gedi The Water Tower Gallery, Kiryat Tivon (Cooperation with Klil Wexler in her exhibition) Stephanos Dance Studio, Jerusalem The Water Tower Gallery, Kiryat Tivon (Cooperation with Klil Wexler in her exhibition) Machol Shalem Dance House, Jerusalem Be'er Sheva Dance series Sphera 20#, Klil 1927 Art Space, Athens, Greece 1927 Art Space, Athens, Greece From Jaffa to Agripas Festival, Tower of David, Jerusalem From Jaffa to Agripas Festival, Tower of David, Jerusalem Hamekarer Gallery, Tel Aviv Hamekarer Gallery, Tel Aviv Residency at the JSKD Center. Cirkulacija 2. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Jerusalem International Solo Dance Festival JISDF, Beit Hansen, Jerusalem Rose Garden, Jerusalem Tami Festival, Jerusalem Poaleot' festival at the Alfred Gallery, Tel Aviv Residency at the SE.S.TA Centre ,Žďár nad Sázavou,The Czech Republic Mandel Culture Center, Tel Aviv - Jaffa